Services by Sfinga

I currently offer Balkan favomancy readings at an hourly rate. You can read more about the styles I divine with at my articles [HERE] and [HERE]. Below you may find a selection of testimonials from past clients.

At the moment, I am unavailable for bookings until September 2024. Please see Key’s services if you are in need of a reading. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Balkan Favomancy Reading

I read in a variety of different favomantic chart styles, including the Horseman (via Kumalak), the House, the Bed, and many other styles related to “gledanje u pasulj” or “falanje u grah”—that is, “gazing into beans”. This is a style of divination, similar to geomancy, which draws on numerical and elemental attributions in order to read on any number of topics, with the chart chosen based on the spirits speaking and the nature of the question. I am happy to read on numerous realms of inquiry, including all mundane matters (romance, wealth, career, etc.) but my specialty is diagnosing, rectifying, and further nurturing nascent spirit pacts (including potential contracts, those recently-forged, long-standing partnerships, and especially spirit lovers, spouses, and erotic entanglements). With a combination of training in favomancy and experience in scrying and mediumship with my spirits, I would be honoured to assist you with any queries you might have at hand. Once you’ve paid, I will be in touch with you shortly to arrange our session. Whether or not you choose to conduct your session live, you will receive a picture of the chart and a recording of the audio interpretation by e-mail.



Sfinga is an absolute powerhouse of divination and sorcery. The breadth of her knowledge of magic, witchcraft, and various divinatory methods is expansive. She is generous and open with her clients, and brings to the table the most important component in successful divination: accurate, useful information and advice. A powerful witch, far-reaching seeress, and spiritual counselor with wisdom beyond her years – Sfinga is one of a few people that both I and my spirits trust wholeheartedly to perform divinations for me. What she has seen and relayed to me (with very little, to no information given beforehand) on various spiritual, as well as mundane matters, has been sincerely impressive and I strongly recommend her services.

Rose Aurora

There are many talented diviners and spirit-workers, and I’m fortunate to know and be friends with some of the very best. I have known no one with the acuity, grace, and divinatory sophistication of Sfinga, nor have I known anyone with the diversity in skill, the emotional maturity and IQ, the refinement of intellect, or the depth of heart that she possesses and imbues her divination with. I trust Sfinga with my literal life: I have come to her in moments of supreme vulnerability with the complete faith that I will be treated with kindness, absolute confidentiality, and above-and-beyond care. I have come to her to be told hard truths with respect; I have come to her to be told gracious blessings of affirmation with total honesty. Her integrity is unimpeachable, her accuracy is supernatural, and the seriousness with which she takes the gravity of her work awe-inspiring. As a professional Seer and Diviner myself, it has been a supreme relief to have someone like Sfinga to refer my clients for whom I knew needed a special level of care or skill which surpassed my own limitations. It has often been Sfinga who I have gone to for a strikingly clear and superbly depthful reflection. Even those with eyes to see need eyes who can see more, and Sfinga has been those very eyes for me multiple times throughout the past half-decade. I cannot recommend her services more.

Sasha Ravitch

I have had the pleasure of receiving multiple readings from Sfinga over the years, and each time I am left in awe of her skill, dedication to her craft, and integrity. After every session with Sfinga, I have been left with a deep sense of being seen, and I deeply appreciate her ability to communicate information in a way that is objective, actionable, and direct — a huge plus when dealing with spirit interactions and esoteric topics! Sfinga is one of the rare diviners I have encountered who is able to challenge my own perception, and point out shortcomings in a way that didn’t leave me feeling judged or intimidated, but motivated and understood. Sfinga’s divination has been instrumental in the development of my own magical path and career, as well as in the pursuit of deep spiritual pacts that evaded my own divination, and that of others. Apart from being an excellent diviner, and extremely qualified to handle topics pertaining to ancestral spirits, spirit lovers, curses, magical work, and spiritual afflictions, Sfinga is also an absolute delight to chat with. Her ability to present information in a way that is straightforward and concise is elevated by her sense of humor and positive attitude, and I always find myself wishing our sessions could last longer just so I could pick her brain a bit more! Not to mention the wealth of knowledge and practical advice I have gleamed from these readings! I highly, highly recommend booking with Sfinga for any and all divinatory needs!

Mahigan Saint-Pierre

I am someone who is extremely critical in the readers I trust and regularly purchase readings from, with exceedingly high standards for accuracy as well as integrity and respect for my privacy and the privacy of my spirits. Not only has Sfinga continually exceeded these expectations, she has brought me to set new ones as there are only two other readers I have experience with who can measure up to her skill, integrity, empathy and accuracy – Salt and B. Key. To begin with, it’s important to note that Sfinga employs traditional methods that have been taught and passed down to her in long spiritual lineages, and this is something that sets her apart from many other readers and must be revered and respected for the priceless gift that it is. When you purchase a reading from her, you are not only receiving the fruit of over a decade of experience and carefully, painstakingly cultivated skill, but also the fruit of a lineage of witchcraft, living divination traditions and mentors that has been passed down to her orally by centuries of practitioners before her, and this is something that must always be kept in mind and regarded with the reverence it deserves.

There has not been a single reading she has completed for me where she did not mention objective information that she had absolutely no way of knowing, in the most specific, explicit and accurate terms. It is impossible to doubt the belief in spirits once you experience the miracles that are her readings – and they are miracles, because they are only possible through supernatural means. She has accurately described not only private thoughts, private conversations, and private events in my life, but also the nature and forms of my spirits and pacts, the ways in which they operate, and things they have relayed to me privately. She has done this with the utmost respect and genuine reverence for my privacy, never peering in more than I or my spirits allow and with a very careful and considerate observance of my boundaries that comes to her naturally, without me even requesting it. The messages she has delivered to me have been nothing short of life-saving and enlightening in ways that can only be described as genuine medicine, with such a bottomless empathy in her delivery. She takes this responsibility extremely seriously and is fully cognizant of the gravity of the topics she reads on while at the same time retaining such an admirable humility and willingness to further clarify whatever is necessary, often predicting and clarifying things before you even have a chance to ask them as a result of her frankly terrifying spiritual sight.


Just before the orange hued curtain closed upon the summer stage, I had the absolute honor of receiving a Favomancy reading by the indomitably talented Sfinga @dragoncunning who graciously read me to filth, picking up on many things that most do not, and provided me with one of the most insightful divinations I’ve ever received. If you are looking for a divination consult that provides light to a dim-lit room, a path forward – left – right – maybe backward or down – if you’re lucky it might be up, or an answer to most any query that can exist beneath an eclipsed sun, I highly suggest booking a session with Sfinga and experiencing her talent and devotion to the world of Other for yourself.

Jackson Walker

Sfinga has read for me multiple times, and every time, I’ve been grateful for her guidance. Most recently, she performed a reading for me on New Year’s Day which highlighted specific opportunities to deepen my spiritual practice this year, specific practical actions to undertake, and specific spirits who were stepping forward to handle or manage this path. I’m repeating myself because I feel like Sfinga’s ability to be specific, grounded, and practical is a big part of what makes her divination so invaluable. Not only does she have excellent advice in general, but she also can transmit particular instructions and warnings. Her skills and her close relationship with her spirits are evident in every reading, as she responds to her spirits’ direct communications as well as letting her considerable experience as a diviner inform what she sees. Another thing I treasure about Sfinga is her genuine tenderness. Every time she reads for me, I feel supremely seen and affirmed. I don’t mean that she always has “nice” things to say – rather, I always feel like she sees value and worth in my practice, even though her own is so much more advanced. I really appreciate this and always feel safe inviting her to see whatever she sees.


I have had the privilege of a number of favomancy readings with Sfinga over the years, each profound, practical and compassionate. She has the ability to see clearly to the heart of a matter through her years of dedication to her craft and spirit relationships. In addition to being a cunning and generous spirit worker and diviner, Sfinga deeply supports your agency in resolving whatever you are bringing to the reading – not only providing insight from the reading, but sharing her thoughts and knowledge with you. Her generosity and skill speaks volumes of her character, integrity, and sincerity. I whole-heartedly recommend her guidance, shared with us through a deeply cherished living tradition.

K. Bones

I’ve consulted Sfinga twice now on matters I would hazard to say few else in the world could really read about. Both readings were extremely insightful and completely altered the course of both my life and spiritual practice. Sfinga’s reading style is authentic and straight to the point, she gives clear and concise answers to your questions, with further context only a true spirit-worker would be able to provide. She is compassionate, caring, and willing to discuss the whole gamut, from the most mundane to the most outlandish. With a keen eye, she’s able to reach beyond and snatch out treasure troves of details that clarify and enhance what she’s seeing in the beans. No other reader has been able to explicate my predicaments so clearly, it was truly an honor to experience. If Sfinga’s favomancy were a spider, the web she weaves would be intricate and vast, capable of catching even the tiniest of cosmic flies and making the most nourishing and informative sessions of them. My spirits and I cannot recommend her services highly enough!

Lark Kleekamp

It’s difficult to adequately describe just how impactful Sfinga’s favomancy reading has been for me: way-opening, course-correcting, and deeply-affirming to say the least! As I go back and listen to the recording, each time I’m struck by the profundity of the deep reads, resounding prescience, and nuanced accuracy therein. Not only were my questions (both vocalized and unspoken) deeply and carefully answered, but also the experience itself was enriching and enlightening in terms of how to better work with my own spirits in divination and beyond. While the beans may seem simple on the surface, the straightforwardness of the method only enhances their ability to provide practically-applicable truths across multiple levels of depth and different spheres of life. I’m lucky to have worked with diviners and magical folks across many traditions and modalities, but have often felt that these experiences only illuminated a small part of the whole, and were difficult to stitch together in a meaningful way. A testament to both her cunning and command of all things spiritual, Sfinga was able to cohere these experiences by independently validating them and providing a clearer picture of how they all connect. Initially, I was taken aback by the newfound vulnerability of being so wholly seen– but the cooling wisdom and warming care Sfinga so expertly brings to these moments quickly soothed away any feelings of tension into understanding and trust. The generosity of spirit you find in Sfinga’s talks and on the podcast translates so beautifully to the 1-on-1 interaction. I’ll definitely be booking again!

Jove Spucchi

Sfinga is a master spirit worker, scryer and diviner. She was not only extremely kind, but honest and direct, getting to the heart of my question immediately. Her insights and advice were more than I could have asked for and guided me towards properly strengthening my relationship with certain spirits in my court. She gives practical and actionable answers and advice, and I could not have asked to be placed in better hands!


I cannot recommend Sfinga for readings enough. In reflecting for this review, I recall the extent to which it felt like talking to an old friend with the level of insights she had into my demeanor, nature, and the intimacy of my spirit connections. The insights I received were poignant and remediations were direct and highly effective. In her generosity, she was open to follow up questions to be sure what I was seeking help with was successfully addressed. Some of the things I came to her for I had been dealing with for years and had seen other practitioners to address. The ability to navigate very challenging subjects with immense kindness and consideration while also being direct as to what is needed, was so healing to experience. To be truly seen by someone is a rare gift. To have someone know how to deliver these insights in a healing and helpful way, is rarer yet.

Kjersti Sangrey

Sfinga has read for me on numerous occasions and has never once failed to provide clarity, insight and guidance with exceptional skill and care and respect not just for the subject of the reading, but for my spirits and practice. Her knowledge of magic and spirits from a myriad of cultural backgrounds is evident, and makes her uniquely capable of addressing and identifying various spiritual conditions. Her attention to detail is unparalleled, and her ability to see through even the most cloudy of situations (especially those with which conditions may be intentionally obscured by glamours or spirit influence) is nothing short of remarkable. Her specialisation in spirit relationships (especially those of a romantic nature) is more than well-deserved, as she was able to not just see and confirm details that I have never shared, publicly or privately, but was able to expand on those details and communicate further advice to me in ways I will forever be grateful for. If you’re looking for a practitioner that is not just exceptionally capable, but whose integrity and character shines through in every reading, I cannot recommend Sfinga enough.


I had my first favomancy reading from Sfinga back in March 2021, and since then — especially since I’ve come to known Sfinga for the honorable and trustworthy and compassionate person that she is — I’ve been a repeat client of hers. Sfinga’s insight into witchcraft and spirituality has helped me immensely in my growth as a magical practitioner. The knowledge she has imparted via divination has enabled me to see my blind spots, to more accurately view my strengths and weaknesses, to pursue sovereignty and empowerment, and to believe in myself and my own abilities. Sfinga’s divination has helped me work through issues of engaging with my ancestors, and her guidance has assisted me in making pacts with new spirits and deities who has come into my life. Her advice are always practical and genuine, the delivery of the messages being just as important as the message itself, to ensure that I — as the client — receive the message in the most accurate way possible, in a manner which I can comprehend in both my mine and heart. I cannot sing enough praises of Sfinga, and it is for both her integrity and sheer skills that I’d gladly recommend her services to anyone with spiritual concerns, even more so if their concerns are to do with pacts and spirit relationships.

Ivy Senna

I have never met a diviner more accurate than Sfinga was during my reading with her. My jaw was on the floor at the level of accuracy in her reading. Her and her spirits were able to diagnose the core of the issue I came to her with and they gave great insight on how I can remediate my situation. Her skills as a seer and diviner I find both incredibly inspiring and actually terrifying (in a good way!) I literally left the encounter speechless and just sat for a good fifteen to twenty minutes in awe afterward at the earth shattering accuracy she presented during our session. If you need to prove to yourself magic, divination, and/or spirits are really real you gotta book a sesh with her, you won’t regret it! I could not recommend her enough, I feel truly changed by this experience.

Connor St. Martinez