Services by Salt

Ever wondered what fate has in store for you, the kind of promises that our souls might have made with the stars? Maybe you have spirits chattering away in the background, and want to explore the reasons for their presence, or are dealing with a sudden string of bad luck and financial trouble? Run afoul of a witch and need an extra pair of hands and eyes on side? Salt ain’t letting the evil eye get you down. My job is to look out for you – to support you, and help you navigate life alongside the spirits walking with you whilst facing all the obstacles that get thrown your way.

When you come for a consultation or a tutoring session, with me, you’ll be working with a professional, trained in a number of relevant skills, from astrology & geomancy, to incense examination, and various techniques that would be requisite for any self-respecting practitioner of cunning-craft & the folk magic of Southern England’s Wessex & new-forest region. From breaking curses and witchcraft, to healing minor injuries with naught more than a spoken word, pacifying enraged fairies and local spirits, and making appeals to celestial spirits on your behalf. I’ll give you no-nonsense, straight to the point support, as needed, when needed.

For more details, feel free to contact me at the following email [HERE]. One more ornate kind of example reading can also be found [HERE].

General Consultation (Donation Based)

WIP Page undergoing some edits
