Services by B. Key

By popular demand, thanks to the generous support and interest of our readers, listeners of The Frightful Howls You May Hear Podcast, and patrons of our Patreon, I am finally opening my books for a full range of spiritual services. I provide tutoring in developing mediumship and scrying, as well as in learning sorcery more broadly, as well as divination and spell work on behalf of clients. I take my rigorous approach to sorcery to all that I do, and am dedicated to manifesting lasting change through magic, empowering clients to ambitiously pursue real results with their own crafts, and facilitating the growth of their spiritual faculties to better interact with the unique spirits inherent to their courts. In working with me, I hope to ensure you never doubt your worth in being able to work with magic as an organic, living aspect of our natural world, and to always know the ability to cultivate any ability you seek is within your hands. Witchcraft is my greatest passion, and I look forward to sharing the fruits of my labour in service to your needs.

Mediumship Coaching and Magical Tutoring

I offer personalized training focusing on the development of spiritual senses and constructing regimens of sorcerous practice tailored to each client’s unique situation. After an initial consultation to gain a more complete picture of your practice, assess your level of experience, and discuss your goals, we’ll dive into fundamental exercises that will serve throughout your life to grow your mediumship, eventually dovetailing into the cultivation of a wide array of magical skills and techniques adaptable to the hands of your spirits. As with any new skill, one can not expect to become a master overnight- It is time, patience, and diligent practice that form the trinity at the core of development. As such, should you like to continue learning together, we’ll more concretely discuss what training looks like going forward at the end of our first session. Sessions are roughly one hour long, and begin at $150 USD per session. Upon payment, I will reach out to the e-mail address you paid with to arrange a time and date for our preliminary consultation. Clients of any skill level are welcome at this time. By necessity, we retain the right to refuse services for any reason. 18+ only.


Cartomancy Divination Reading

I divine on a wide variety of topics suited to your needs. For $150, you get a live reading from me over Zoom or Discord in which we explore any query you desire investigated with the aid of my divining spirits. My primary oracle of choice is playing card cartomancy, supplemented by scrying and spirit augury. I am happy to help you discern the identities of spirits inherent to your court, facilitate and broker new pacts on your behalf, resolve matters with taboos and obligations, and clarify matters of love, finance and business, curses and malefica, and more. Once you’ve completed payment, I will reach out to you to set up a time for us to meet.


Ritual Workings and Spells

You may hire me to perform a variety of sorcerous workings on your behalf. I offer protection, exorcism and the removal of curses and malefica, amorous enchantments to procure new love, stabilize existing connections, or simply manifest sexual interest, as well as block busting, road opening, inspiration drawing, and all manner of better business, fast cash, and financial sorcery. For erotic workings, I may be hired to draw any sexuality and gender preference, though I specialize in procuring the attention and love of men (for clients of all genders). In exceptional circumstances, and only with the active consent of my spirits in divination, I am willing to take on baneful workings. After booking a token $1 amount, I will contact you to discern what you wish to have manifest. If my spirits agree to take on the matter, you will first have a free 1-on-1 consultation with me over Zoom or Discord in which we will read on the matter and determine the best course of action to proceed. I will then quote you on the total price of the work. Please be aware that the beginning rate of spellwork is $150 and that this may increase depending on the amount of labour and materia. I take my work extremely seriously and am dedicated to delivering powerful results, labouring with both the right and left hands of the spirits and saints.


Custom Talismans, Charms, and Oils

I make a wide variety of charms to empower the presence of spirits, draw protection, love, fortune, better business, and cleanse malefica, as well as oils, powders, incense, and more. I am happy to take on just about any custom commission. Need a discrete but wearable charm to always shine at work and never get burdened by your boss? An incense to burn for a deity or spirit that assists their manifestation? A protection amulet made with your patron saint to always carry on your person? Whatever your need is, I’m happy to fulfil it. I use only the highest quality ingredients and take my training in laboratory science to my witchcraft to ensure potent and effective occult goods and wares. After booking a token $1 amount, I will contact you to iron out the details of your project and then quote you on the full price of whatever it is you’re interested in having made. Prices for final projects can vary from $60 for a 1 ounce bottle of sorcerous oil to the hundreds for elaborate statue loads, charms, and talismans.


While I do aim to respond to direct messages and emails as quickly as possible, balancing the demands of a full-time job and the complex needs of clients can be a delicate act. As such, please allow for up to 3 days between correspondences.

If you’re interested in hearing a little about my perspectives and work, feel free to browse my posts here on this blog, and check out the following episodes to hear me discuss my approach to sorcery with Sfinga and Salt:

Examples of my talismans, charms, and sorcerous oils and powders may be found at our Wares page.


I’ve been privileged to receive many readings from elders of living traditional lineages and I can genuinely say that few have been as accurate, insightful, and prescient as Key’s. I approached Key about a very sensitive matter that was so delicate and precarious to my emotions that I specifically felt called to seek out a stranger to parse through it instead of competent readers I already had relationships with. From his presence on the Frightful Howls podcast, I felt drawn to Key’s strength, compassion, and cunning, and asked my spirits for permission to book him for a reading, which they readily granted. From the first parts of the session in which Key reassured me and provided me with the tools to reclaim my agency in what was one of the most fraught spiritual crises of my life, which he continued to empower throughout the reading. His mediumship frankly shocked me in its precision. He picked up things about my spirits that no reader had ever seen before, let alone articulated to me in ways that are not only familiar but revealing of new depths. The session was not only transformative on the deepest personal level, but helped me come back into alignment with one of the most intimate spirit pacts I have, which is something I would have never dreamed that I’d trust a complete stranger with before but I’m so glad that I did. Key is not only wise beyond his years, he’s a perfect gentleman and a paragon of honor, dignity, and compassion. I came in expecting help and guidance that would push me along to a better resolution of something extremely vulnerable and came out of the reading instead healed beyond measure. At the risk of sounding like I’m flattering him too much, Key is genuinely the best diviner I’ve ever had scry me and I’m beyond grateful not only for his presence on the podcast (My favourite occult show! You three rock!) but his role in repairing one of the most precious things in my life right when I thought all was lost. I already knew from the podcast that he’s a brilliant and wily sorcerer, but now I know for a fact that he’s one of the most impressive mediums and readers around.

Matthew L.

“I was completely blown away by Key’s readings. Nothing can really do justice to his skill, integrity and incredible acuity. I have immeasurably high standards for accuracy when it comes to diviners that I trust, and I never accept the validity of a reading or return to a reading who has not mentioned objective, measurable facts that they had no way of knowing or guessing prior to the reading. Key exceeded all my expectations and made me realize what a divination session really ought to be, and what true skill looks like. He will see and mention things that you never expected anyone could. For me, he perfectly described the manifestation, country of origin, method of death, interests and behaviors of a dead human spirit who is with me, as well as more private information that I had never even hinted at before. There is no accessible public record of that information and absolutely no way of knowing anything about this spirit beyond supernatural means. What I would really like to convey is that a reading with Key really is a supernatural experience and if you have not truly digested that spirits are real, magic is real, and miracles are possible, a reading with Key will prove all of that to you. With several years of training (under the best mentors) under his belt, he has rigorously cultivated his abilities and continually tests them to ensure he delivers nothing short of the ultimate sharpness, accuracy, integrity and genuine care in his work. It’s vital to appreciate the depth of that and understand that a reading from him is the product of a multitude of living, enfleshed pacts, mentorship, daily work and practice that has been refined to perfection. Beyond that, he is an immensely humble, genuine and caring person who will take each matter he reads on seriously, strive (and invariably succeed) to always do it justice, and deliver the message in the most fruitful way he is able to. Your safety, privacy and personal needs are honoured by him as the only thing that can rival his insane skills is his integrity and authenticity as a person. He is truly one of the only diviners (along with Salt and Sfinga) who I or my spirits would ever trust, and I now expect the same from any other diviner who claims to be worth their salt. “


Working with Key is my first experience with divination done in an hourly approach instead of a per-card or by divinatory spread approach. I came to Key for assistance at determining the best options for a major life decision that I’d been struggling with for quite some time. His relaxed demeanor and versatility allowed room for us to go over many different aspects outside of the base question I came to him with. Key’s approach to his work and his client’s needs is what would make me recommend anyone go to him at least once if they feel they would benefit from a professional’s insight on life’s issues whether they are spiritual or mundane. Not only does he provide you answers and make room for related and unrelated questions, he will walk you through possible things that can help resolve the situation and improve it. His demeanor is good for putting one at ease and never at any point did he give me reason to doubt or be anything except comfortable and assured in his handling. His skills and approach cannot possibly be understated and are well worth the investment!


Hey Key, Some updates! I received the [talisman for wealth and success for a family business] this weekend. Thank you so much! This morning, my bosses told me they’d be including a bonus in my next paycheck and my parents just notified me that a big $5,000-dollar order came in. I will gather more updates as they come but wow… thank you and your spirits! I will reach out to you later about further workings.

Anonymous Ritual Workings and Spells client