New Course: Pure Sympathies and Natural Magic

On behalf of the With Cunning & Command and Frightful Howls team, we wish everyone a blessed Easter! Whether you’re celebrating the resurrection of the Lord or counting down the days until the same date on the Julian calendar, may all your magics come to fruition and your cantrips and spells rise into reality with the Son of Man.

We just released our 25th episode of the podcast: Spiritual Hygiene and Sympathetic Magic. To think that we’re almost at our anniversary is almost unbelievable, it feels like just yesterday that we launched the podcast with the episode on the Toad Bone Rite. We’re so deeply grateful to the incredible following and reception the show has received, whether you’re a Patreon supporter or a fan who regularly engages with us our accounts on Instagram, your feedback means the world. Every time one of you sends us a DM or an e-mail detailing how you’ve put into practice something we’ve shared, or how a story we told impacted your practice, the three of us get even more inspired to put out more content, be it our research episodes, practicums, or hosting a personal friend of the crew on to discuss all manner of folklore and magic.

To celebrate the first 25 episodes, Salt’s put together a real treat for us all. If you enjoy the episode on spiritual hygiene and are hungry for more, our very own Wolf has put together an entire course module on the practical side to purity, cleanliness, and natural magic! It’s a real pleasure to hear him speak directly to the heart of such a sensitive topic, especially one that is so often misconstrued with notions of morality, strict orthodoxy, and personal worth.

Every now and then, some episodes of The Frightful Howls You May Hear will have an accompanying mini-course available right here at With Cunning & Command, bridging the theoretical exposition of the show with actionable techniques in the module. Within 24 hours of purchasing, a download link will be sent to you where you can both view the extra practical material, including over 30 simple and immediately actionable techniques relying on the principles of natural magic, as well as a PDF of all the charms sourced directly from primary texts and personal experimentation. No matter where you are in your practice, Salt’s “Pure Sympathies and Natural Magic” module is sure to have something engineered to help you navigate our animist reality with an even firmer foundation. The link to purchase is available below as well as on our new Courses page. Keep your eyes peeled for more episodes in time that will have a bonus component like this!

Pure Sympathies and Natural Magic

“Pure Sympathies and Natural Magic” is an hour long exposition into the practical side of spiritual hygiene, cleanliness, and natural magic, including over 30 accessible, simple, and immediately actionable techniques relying on the principles of early modern natural magic. The class includes a PDF of all the charms sourced directly from primary texts as well as personal experimentation, made available for your immediate and easy reference. Additionally, the module presents an accessible introduction to this most foundational of skills, which influences every working and spirit encounter we undertake. Within 24 hours of purchasing, you will be sent a download link to the class and the PDF of charms via the same e-mail you paid with. Happy trafficking among the spirits!


We wish you deep communion, swift manifestations, and ever more transformative spiritual ecstasies in your traditions and workings on this holiest of days. Happy conjuring!

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